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Meet Sam Telgkamp

Samantha “Sam” Telgkamp, diagnosed with ALS at age 24, pictured above with her family at the 2023 Cincinnati ALS Walk.

“The first time I participated in the Cincinnati ALS Walk I joined as a member of the Mariemont High School, National Honor Society. Little did I know, a few short months later the cause would have a new meaning to me, my family, friends, high school, and community.

My high school lacrosse coach, Graham Harden, was diagnosed with ALS. In his battle against his hardest opponent, and in true Graham spirit, he looked at it head on and said GAME ON. Coach fought hard for five years, and the community carries his legacy and fight with us to find a cure for this disease.

Almost a year to the day we lost Graham, I found myself across from a neurologist hearing my symptoms were concerning for ALS.

At a time when one would expect to feel alone and terrified, I was comforted by the familiar voice of coach, with his hand on my shoulders, saying grab your gear it’s game time. So, when coach put his stick down in the game against ALS, I picked it up. I felt him with me that day and said, ‘GAME ON, put me in coach, I am staying loudly!’

For those who do not know, donating to ALS United Central & Southern Ohio is one important way to show all people living with ALS your support.

Your donation helps raise awareness and funds for local patients and families who receive free local support services from the organization—including me. These services include medical equipment loans, referral services, support groups, education, and advocacy efforts at the state and national levels for access to care and research.

ALS United Central & Southern Ohio has provided a great deal of support to me, my family, and those in the area impacted by ALS. My hope is that you join me, my family, and the warrior community in the game against ALS!


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