Honor & Memorial Gifts

Many friends choose to celebrate the life of a loved one by giving to ALS United Ohio Chapter. We are happy to designate your gift in honor or in memory of a loved one, or in celebration of a special occasion.

The Chapter will be pleased to send your loved one or designated family members a letter informing them of your gift (without the gift amount), in addition to sending you an acknowledgment suitable for tax purposes. Simply include this information with your contribution.

If you would like to make a donation in celebration of a loved one, please click here.

How to Include ALS United Ohio in an Obituary

Naming the organization in an obituary allows friends and family to remember their loved one while helping those still living with ALS.

To ensure donations are directed properly, please use the following language in the obituary:

"Memorial donations may be made to ALS United Ohio, 1170 Old Henderson Rd., Ste. 221, Columbus OH 43220."

If you have any questions, contact our Director of Philanthropy, Melissa Dardinger MDardinger@ALSohio.org or (866) 273-2572 x109.